Spring Equinox has arrived and I am looking forward to sunshine, spring flowers, outdoor picnics with family, friends & doggies. On the March equinox, the northern and southern hemisphere receive an equal amount of sunlight.
More sunlight opens up my mind and I believe spring is a great time to refresh. This year I notice it feels like I am living betwixt and between two worlds. The familiar world were I felt comfortable based on my beliefs and experiences, the completely unknown world I can’t predict anything with certainty.
“It would be difficult to exist in this time of global crisis and not feel caught between at least two worlds—the one we knew and the one to come.” ~ adapted from Richard Rohr
I am wondering if there is a way to support more creativity. Can I decide who I want to be in these uncertain times; compassionate, active listener, open minded and non-judgmental. How can I show up to support others to be creative and collaborative as they build their future worlds. I feel we are at the threshold, in a door way which may last for years and I am wondering.
The term “liminal space” is on my mind, it is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways.
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the new world.’ ~ Albert Einstein
I need to ask myself how can I step into the world with a new way of being?
What ideas do you have to create your environment to think and act in new ways, our future depends on it?