I call it "the nudge," a feeling that one wants to do or be more. We can choose to ignore the nudge or explore it. I believe any kind of nudge is worth exploring and I am happy to support your exploration.
The three common questions I hear are:
Why am I stuck?
How can I make this transition?
What can I do to make this thing work?
Have you asked yourself these questions? I call these questions, and similar questions, self- NUDGES! Not everyone is self-nudged at first. Maybe you've heard something from a peer or friend that felt like a nudge?
We all have these nudging thoughts or feelings. They offer an opportunity to explore what's next.
The definition of a nudge: to push someone or something gently, sometimes to get someone’s attention.
If you find yourself ready to take action on your nudging thoughts, perhaps it's time to work with a coach to support you to be your best self. Check out this article on finding the right coach: https://www.timesunion.com/womenatwork/article/Career-counselors-say-finding-the-right-coach-fit-13807416.php
If you think we would be a good fit, let's schedule a free initial call.
