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We're all vulnerable to bias

Stanford psychologist Dr. Jennifer L. Eberhardt told Katie Couric about implicit bias in a recent interview:

“We are all vulnerable to bias. Yet we need not act on bias. Bias is more likely to be triggered in certain situations. When we are hurried, tired, threatened, or scared, we are primed for bias. When we are not held accountable for our actions, bias thrives. When we work in situations that diminish our empathy for certain groups, bias is more likely to infect the decisions we make about them or the actions we take toward them. Understanding the situational nature of bias gives us greater power over it.”

Eberhardt's research examines how racial bias can shape actions and outcomes not only in our criminal justice system, but in our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces.

While I listened to Eberhardt's interview, I started to ask myself several questions:

  • How can I be more aware of my bias?

  • How do I know my beliefs are true?

  • How can I educate myself to be aware of my own bias actions?

  • How can I do better?

I know being self-aware will allow me to be open-minded and self-manage my own actions. I also understand I need to educate myself so I can acknowledge my own bias and be compassionate as I listen to others. I must start with my own actions to navigate the subject - a subject that I was raised to not talk about.

If you want to learn more about Eberhardt's research: click here.

  • The first video is Eberhardt providing a summary of her book and may give you insights worth reflecting on to support your own journey to be your best self.

  • The second video is her interview with Daniel Pink which may enhances your awareness of the impact of bias in our world.

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